As we all navigate this busy time, often filled with connecting and reconnecting with loved ones, this newsletter is intentionally brief. Springwater Center continues its work thanks to the generosity of friends and members. There is something special in a community founded and sustained through generosity of spirit—a community with a shared interest in being with what arises from moment to moment. Thank you for taking part in this being together.
40th Anniversary Edition of the Annual Appeal
In the forty years since the Center’s inception, there have been countless changes and transitions. There is something that words can’t quite touch that continues bringing us together in new and familiar ways.
One very real aspect of keeping a retreat center running is finances. In the wake of COVID’s initial impact and subsequent waves, the Center continues to have reduced retreat income while living in an inflated economy. Donations of all sizes are appreciated and will contribute to the upkeep, additions and renovations to the Center. Thank you for forty years of generosity and memories… and here’s to forty more.
There are so many ways to support the Center. Donations are always needed and welcome. Members regularly pay dues and receive benefits such as lower retreat fees. Other ways to help range from large, such as remembering the Center in your estate planning, to small, like making Amazon Smile purchases with Springwater Center as your selected charitable beneficiary. Please take a moment to check out the various ways you can contribute, including a newly added option to make automated donations.
In celebration of the 40th anniversary, it has been wonderful receiving stories, poems, other writings, and photos (like the one of Toni Packer on her first visit to the land in autumn 1983). Two new submissions have recently been added from Sam Nelson and Magdi Badawy, and we continue welcoming other contributions.
There is an All Day Sitting on December 3rd, with Wayne Coger giving the talk. You can register here or email Stacey for more info.
The New Year’s Retreat with Wayne Coger from 12/30-1/3 is still open for online participants. You can register here. Please email Stacey if you’d like to be added to the waitlist for in-person participation.
The next online Saturday program will be 12/10, starting at 1:30pm with a timed sitting, followed by a recording of one of Toni Packer’s talks and then a group dialogue finishing at 4:30pm. Email the Center for more details.
The 2023 calendar has been published! As life remains dynamic and unpredictable, there are sometimes changes and shifts made throughout the year. The online calendar is updated live to reflect changes as they happen.
*Please note the dates for the January retreat with Susan Schepp have shifted to a 3-day retreat 1/14-1/17.
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