Coming Right Up – Saturday February 3 Online Program, with a recorded talk by Toni Packer
Beginning at 1:30 p.m. (ET), this Satruday’s online program will have a timed sitting, followed by a recorded talk by the Center’s founder, Toni Packer and then a group dialogue.
In her talk, Toni speaks of human similarities and differences, that human beings have a common history and share many similarties, but each human mind is different from others. She asks how to live in harmony and not let these differences divide us. Then she suggests that if there is in this moment a listening, an in-touchness with what is here, that’s not filtered by our preferences and idiosyncracies, there can be a wholeness, a directness, of seeing and being.
Hear the talk from February 1995 on the Center’s YouTube Channel.
Join the Zoom meeting using THIS LINK or
Meeting ID: 289 037 6188
Passcode: 7179
The program is freely offered, but donations in appreciation are certainly welcome. Please use the button below and choose the “Online Sittings/Programs Contributions” option to support Saturday Programs.